
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Profession: Promoter/Hostess
Sexuality: Pansexual
A'lhexa Sahlo grew up with the tribe she'd been born into. Unfortunately, things did not stay happy for her.. Other members of the tribe were quite vicious to the young miqo. Even those closest to her eventually turned on her and left her the odd one out. Beaten and broken with nary a soul looking out for her, A’lhexa ran. She didn’t know where to go, what to do. She only ran.Lost in the wilderness, the young cat was attacked by beasts. She fended them off, letting it all out. Everything she’d been through, she turned it all back on those beasts. A’lhexa turned somewhat feral for a time. After a few weeks, she stumbled upon a campsite. Food was cooking, but not a soul in sight. She snuck in to steal some food, but the camp wasn’t abandoned. She’d only failed to notice the huntress there. As she reached, a soft and warm voice spoke out.“You can take as much as you want. Stay calm hun, you’re safe now.” A’lhexa looked with fear to the woman. The woman however, did not move. Not even a flinch. She even smiled at the small miqo. What kind of trick was this? A’lhexa looked at the food suspiciously.“It’s not poisoned or anything hun, I assure you.” The woman reached out and took some herself and began to eat. She nodded to the miqo with another warm and welcoming smile. “Please, eat up.” A’lhexa stayed with the woman all evening. Such an act of kindness so freely given to a complete stranger. An untrustworthy looking feral feline. Someone as hurt and beaten as much as A’lhexa… and the woman gave freely. The woman looked up to the coming sunrise. She took in a deep breath. “Even on the darkest of nights, the sunshine will always return and shine brighter, and give it’s gifts freely to whomever needs them.”A’lhexa fell asleep with a full belly and a full heart from such warmth. When she woke, the woman was gone. All that remained was the smolders of the campfire, and the soft blanket the woman had covered her with. The young miqo stared into the embers. Tears welled in her eyes. She was alone again… As she sobbed and wiped her tears, staring with hatred at the embers, she heard a voice echo in her mind. “Even on the darkest of nights, the sunshine will always return.” She wiped her eyes and continued to stare at the embers. With a soft whisper to herself, she repeated the word. “Sunshine….” That simple act of kindness and that simple word changed her life forever.